Monday, November 3, 2008

Defining Moments and Italian Cars

Day before yesterday's musings went to saints and heroes, opportunity and empathy, knowing and not knowing.

Today's attentions went to an unhappy little girl running a high fever, not wanting to get much further from the embrace or lap of a parental unit. Whew!  Makes for a long day.

Whereas the previous days' thoughts have been within the realm of chance, tomorrow's attention and intention will be given to the embrace of choice.  Tomorrow will be all about the choice to make alongside my fellow compatriots south of the border.  Gonna be a big day.  

Really though, it is going to be just another day and just another choice. 

Much more powerful than simply casting one vote is continuing engagement with the body politic, dancing with it at whatever level possible, and working towards the change [in the words of M. Ghandi] that you or I want to be. And at this point in our national, indeed our global history, there is no greater chance to speak and act truth to that power.

Is any given moment otherwise defined ?

An oft repeated description of Italian Cars is that they are a "participatory event".  You don't get the thrill or enjoyment of one just by passively sitting in the driver's seat.  The car does demand a fair bit of attention to keep it maintained and road ready.   You get wet if you don't tend to the rubbers around the windshield and doors.  You get a dead battery or worse if you ignore the warning signs.  And due to the high revving nature of the engine and infamous temperament of the transmission, driving it to the far reaches to which it is aptly capable requires a bit of finesse and engagement that you wouldn't give otherwise, say... to a Buick.

Catch my drift here?

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